James Campbell Associates Head Office
We moved into our fully refurbished offices in January 2006 it is a modern vibrant place of work with up to date computer and networking systems. We produce all drawings by Computer Aided Design (CAD) along with full 3D & CGI’s of projects that really help to convey the design theory and evolution! We have in house capability to print off drawings on large A1 sized paper in full colour enabling all the detail and technical information to be conveyed to Clients, Local Authorities and Main Contractors.

Frank James Smith
Frank has 29 years experience in the architectural field, he formed James Campbell Associates Ltd in December

Martin Ashworth
Senior Architectural Technician
Martin has been with James Campbell Associates since formation in December 2004 and was appointed

Aiden P Whalley
Architectural Technologist
Aiden has been with James Campbell Associates since 2012, initially part time while he was studying at college and university

Sheila Kean
Technical Analyst &
Sheila joined the company in March 2007 as an administrator. With her vast experience in managing